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Auktionshaus Dr. Fischer



Dr. Fischer Kunstauktionen

Elbinger Straße 11
74078 Heilbronn
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Montag bis Freitag 9.00-17.00 Uhr





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Bedeutende Vase ''Dorico Corniola''

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101 - Bedeutende Vase ''Dorico Corniola''

Farbloses Glas mit Einschmelzung von viereckigen, konzentrisch gemusterten Mosaikplättchen in den Farben des Karneols, Weiß, Violett und Farblos. Im Querschnitt oval, schlanker Röhrenhals. Boden mit unregelmäßiger Bodenkugel geschliffen und poliert. H. 40 cm Provenienz: Deutscher Privatbesitz Barovier & Toso zählt neben den Firmen Fratelli Toso und Salviati zu den ältesten Glasmanufakturen auf Murano. Die Anfänge reichen zurück bis ins 14. Jahrhundert. Um 1450 erfindet Angelo Barovier das sog. 'Cristallo', eine reine farblose und transparente Glasmasse, die fortan für die Herstellung von Kunstglas verwendet wird. 1878 gründet Giovanni Barovier gemeinsam mit den Söhnen seines Bruders Antonio, Benedetto, Benvenuto und Giuseppe, die seit 1866 als Glasbläser bei Dr. Antonio Salviati beschäftigt sind, die Firma Fratelli Barovier. Nachdem die Glasmanufaktur in den folgenden Jahrzehnten mehrfach umfirmierte, trägt sie seit 1942 den Namen Barovier & Toso. Ercole Barovier tritt 1919 in die Firma ein und wird ab 1930 der einzige Designer der Manufaktur, von 1945 - 1974 deren Direktor. Er erfindet zahlreiche Glastechniken und entwirft über 20.000 Formen. Herausragende Kreationen gelingen ihm auf dem Gebiete der Murrine-Technik. Die 'Dorici'- Gläser stehen hierfür stellvertretend. Vasen der Serie ''dorico corniola'' wurden auf der XXX. Biennale Venedig 1960 vorgestellt. Ercole Barovier (1889-1974) was a entrepreneur and designer. At age 30 he became a partner in his father's company, the Vetreria Artistica Barovier & C. After becoming its artistic director in 1926, he took over its management with his brother Nicol. He became sole proprietor in 1936, engineering the fusion between his own glass workshop and the S.A.I.A.R. Ferro-Toso. In 1942, the new company was renamed Barovier & Toso. Ercole maintained artistic direction of the new company until 1972. Over the course of his 50-year activity, he invented numerous decorative techniques which contributed significantly to the renovation of art glass. Already in the Twenties he obtained great success; first with the murrine vessels, then with totally original creations such as the primavera glass collection (1929-30). From the beginning of the Thirties, he dedicated himself entirely to experimenting with new multi-colored effects, in particular he perfected the colorazione a caldo senza fusione technique which he first used in 1935-36 to create the series Crepuscolo, Autunno Gemmato, Marina Gemmata and Laguna Gemmata. Before World War II he preferred soft shapes and rather thick materials, whereas in the post-war period his interest turned specifically to the field of traditional techniques, which he continued to re-interpret through his very last creations with the series a tessere in 1972. In the Fifties, his work distinguished itself both for the vivid quality of its colors as well as for the singularity of the materials which were noted for the roughness of their surfaces like the Barbarici which sometimes were modeled in primitive forms like the Eugenei and Aborigeni. During the Sixties and Seventies, he gave new interpretations of his a tessere glass with the Dorici, Caccia, Rotellati and other series which were characterized by unusual color combinations. ( Literatur: Ercole Barovier 1889 -1974, S. 108 (Dekor) & S. 99 (formidentische Dekorvariante). Marina Barovier, Il Vetro di Murano alle Biennali 189 - 1972, S. 91 M. Heiremans, Glas-Kunst aus Murano, Stuttgart, 1993, Abb. 52 (form- und dekoridentisch). Zur Firmenbiographie vgl.: H. Ricke & E. Schmitt, Italienisches Glas, S. 301 ff. und M. Heiremans, Glas-Kunst aus Murano, S. 35.

Ercole Barovier (Entwurf), Barovier & Toso, Murano, 1960

Katalogpreis: 12.000 - 17.000 €

Zuschlag: 14.500,00 EUR


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