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Dr. Fischer - Fine Art Auctions

Elbinger Straße 11
74078 Heilbronn


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131 - The Smolenskaya Mother of God. Russia, 19th century. Tempera on wood panel. Slig...

Russland, 19. Jh.

Estimate: 1.700 - 1.900 €
The Smolenskaya Mother of God. Russia, 19th century. Tempera on wood panel. Slightly restored. 32 x 25,5 cm

132 - "A large icon showing the Mother of God ""unexspected joy"". Russia, Vetka, earl...

Russland, Vetka, 19. Jh.

Estimate: 2.000 - 3.000 €
"A large icon showing the Mother of God ""unexspected joy"". Russia, Vetka, early 19th century. Tempera on gesso on canvas on wood panel, gilded background. A sinner is kneeling and praying in front of an icon of the Mother of God with christ....

133 - "The Mother of God of Vladimir (Vladimirskaya). Russian, 19th century (icon), Mo...

Russland, 19. Jh. (Ikone), Moskau, 1895 (Oklad)

Estimate: 8.500 - 9.500 €
"The Mother of God of Vladimir (Vladimirskaya). Russian, 19th century (icon), Moscow, 1895 (oklad). Tempera on wood panel. Silver-gilt oklad stamped with city hallmark of Moscow, assayer's mark ""LO"" in Cyrillic (Oleks Lew Fedorowitsch, 1890-1896...

134 - The Mother of God Akhtyrskaya (of Akhtyrka). Russia, late 19th century. Tempera ...

Russland, Ende 19. Jh.

Estimate: 1.000 - 1.200 €
The Mother of God Akhtyrskaya (of Akhtyrka). Russia, late 19th century. Tempera on gesso on wood panel with golden background. The Mother of God depicted half-lenght. To the right Golgatha with the crucified figure of Christ. 27.5 x 21.5 cm.

135 - "The Mother of God ""Soothe my sorrows"". Russian, 19th century. Tempera on gess...

Russland, 19. Jh.

Estimate: 1.000 - 1.200 €
"The Mother of God ""Soothe my sorrows"". Russian, 19th century. Tempera on gesso on wood panel. Restored. 31 x 25.5 cm"

136 - The Annunciation. Russia, 18th century. Tempera on wood. Restored. 27 x 21.5 cm...

Russland, 18. Jh.

Estimate: 1.500 - 1.700 €
The Annunciation. Russia, 18th century. Tempera on wood. Restored. 27 x 21.5 cm

137 - A rare icon showing the breast-feeding Mother of God. Russia, circa 1900. Temper...

Russland, um 1900

Estimate: 1.350 - 1.500 €
A rare icon showing the breast-feeding Mother of God. Russia, circa 1900. Tempera on gesso on wood panel with kovcheg. Floral border. 27 x 23 cm.

138 - "The Mother of God ""Surety of Sinners"" with silver-gilt oklad. Russia, mid 19t...

Russland, Mitte 19. Jh. (Ikone), Moskau, Andrej Wekman, 1859 (Oklad)

Estimate: 1.800 - 2.000 €
"The Mother of God ""Surety of Sinners"" with silver-gilt oklad. Russia, mid 19th century (icon), Moscow, Andrej Vekman, 1859 (oklad). Oil on wood panel, back covered. Embossed and engraved silver-gilt oklad. Oklad and halo stamped with hallmark,...

139 - The Dormition of the Mother of God. Russia, 19th century. Tempera on gesso on wo...

Russland, 19. Jh.

Estimate: 1.700 - 1.900 €
The Dormition of the Mother of God. Russia, 19th century. Tempera on gesso on wood panel with flat kovcheg. The composition organised around the bier that carries the lifeless body of the Mother of God. The bier surrounded by mourning apostles....

140 - The Mother of God of the Signs. Russia, 18th century. Tempra on gesso on wood pa...

Zentralrussland, 18. Jh.

Estimate: 1.500 - 2.000 €
The Mother of God of the Signs. Russia, 18th century. Tempra on gesso on wood panel with kovcheg. Restored. 31 x 25.5 cm
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