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Dr. Fischer - Fine Art Auctions

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74078 Heilbronn


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Russian Silver

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51 - Four silver and niello bracelets. Russia, one St. Petersburg, 19th century. Two ...

Russland, St. Petersburg u.a., 19. Jh.

Estimate: 220 - 250 €
Result: 220,00 €
Four silver and niello bracelets. Russia, one St. Petersburg, 19th century. Two stamped with hallmark, assayer's mark with 84-standard, one with master's mark "AD" in Cyrillic, one stamped with 835-standard and dated "1853". Losses. 5.5 - 7 cm...

52 - A silver and niello penholder and coin holder. Kiev, 1908-1917 / Soviet Union, a...

Kiew, 1908-1917 / Sowjetunion, nach 1958

Estimate: 220 - 250 €
A silver and niello penholder and coin holder. Kiev, 1908-1917 / Soviet Union, after 1958. Stamped with assayer's mark with 84-standard and master's mark "PK" in Cyrillic. Coin holder for 20, 15 and 10 kopeck coins, small dent. 19 cm and 6 cm...

53 - Two silver and niello salt cellars and five flacons. Russia, 1896-1917 (five) / ...

Russland, 1896-1908 (zwei), 1908-1917 (drei) / Sowjetunion, nach 1958 (einer)

Estimate: 220 - 250 €
Result: 220,00 €
Two silver and niello salt cellars and five flacons. Russia, 1896-1917 (five) / Soviet Union, after 1958 (one). All stamped with assayer's mark and 84- or 875-standard and master's mark. 4- 6.5 cm long, 151 gr.

54 - Twelve silver and niello broochs, two pair cluff links and one ring. St. Petersb...

St. Petersburg / Tula, um 1880, eine Brosche später

Estimate: 220 - 250 €
Result: 140,00 €
(Under reserve)
Twelve silver and niello broochs, two pair cluff links and one ring. St. Petersburg/Tula, circa 1880, one brooch later. All marked. 3 - 6 cm long (broochs), Diam. 1.5 - 2.5 cm, 119 gr.

55 - Three bracelets and two nacklace. Early 20th century. Silver, one nacklace plate...

Anfang 20. Jh.

Estimate: 230 - 270 €
Result: 230,00 €
Three bracelets and two nacklace. Early 20th century. Silver, one nacklace plated. With nielloed decor. One bracelet stamped with not identified master's mark. 242 gr.

56 - Two silver and niello charivari and seven bracelets. Russia, one Moscow, two Kie...

Russland, Moskau (ein Charivari), Kiew (zwei Armbänder), um 1900

Estimate: 250 - 300 €
Result: 250,00 €
Two silver and niello charivari and seven bracelets. Russia, one Moscow, two Kiev, circa 1900. Charivari stamped with assayer's mark with 84-standard, one dated 1990. Bracelets links with master's marks, two unmarked. 13 cm long (charivari), 195 gr.

57 - A note paper holder. Moscow, Andrej Ivanov, 19081-197. Leather, wood. Tin with s...

Moskau, Andrej Iwanow, 1908-1917

Estimate: 350 - 450 €
A note paper holder. Moscow, Andrej Ivanov, 19081-197. Leather, wood. Tin with silver plaque with embossed garlands and engraved monogram. Stamped with assayer's mark with 84-standard and master's mark "AI" in Cyrillic. Leather with losses. 24 cm...

58 - A silver table note pad. Moscow, Khlebnikov, 1908-1917. Embossed leafs and bloss...

Moskau, Chhlebnikow, 1908-1917

Estimate: 1.000 - 1.100 €
A silver table note pad. Moscow, Khlebnikov, 1908-1917. Embossed leafs and blossoms. Hinged lid with embossed monogram "BJ" with loop and blossoms. Later with engraved signatures and inscripction (for the president of the foundation of synagogue...

59 - Silver Hanukah lamp. St. Petersburg, I. Kreutzer, 1861. On four feet, rectangula...

St. Petersburg, Joszef Kreutzer, 1861

Estimate: 600 - 700 €
Result: 600,00 €
Silver Hanukah lamp. St. Petersburg, I. Kreutzer, 1861. On four feet, rectangular base with eight jug-shaped lamps. The back plate modeled as a crowned cartouche with two lions. Detachable servant light. Servant light and base stamped with assayer...

60 - A silver-gilt chalice. Moscow, 1908-1917. Gilt interior. Round base with engrave...

Moskau, 1908-1917

Estimate: 2.800 - 3.000 €
A silver-gilt chalice. Moscow, 1908-1917. Gilt interior. Round base with engraved decor of four Saints. Baluster stem. Bowl with four engraved medallions showing the Deisis (Christ surrounded by the Mother of God and St. John) and the true cross....
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