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Russian Glass

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117 - Zuckerdose

Russland, Glasfabrik Zombkowice, 1911

Estimate: 250 - 300 €
"A glass sugar bowl. Glass factory Zambokwice, 1911. Colourless moulded glass with metal mounting. Hinged lid with five mattew dog puppies. Bottowm with russian treasury department mark and date ""1911"". Slightly damaged. 14.5 cm long."

119 - Großer Pokal Bildnis der Zarin Elisabeth

Kaiserliche Glasfabrik, St. Petersburg, Mitte 18. Jh.

Estimate: 2.500 - 3.500 €
Result: 7.200,00 €
"A large glass goblet with portrait of Empress Elizabeth of Russia. Imperial Glass works, St. Petersburg, mid 18th century. Slighlty yellowish glass. Front decorated with cutted and partial-polisted half-length portrait of Elizabeth Petrovna...

120 - Pokalvase mit Transparentmalerei

Russland, Kaiserliche Glasmanufaktur St. Petersburg, 1. H. 19. Jh.

Estimate: 3.000 - 3.500 €
Result: 4.000,00 €
A St. Petersburg transparent-enamelled glass. Imperial Glassworks St. Petersburg, first half of the 19th century. Greyish glass cut with spiral pillar fluetes and diamonds. Bowl with polychrome transparent-enamelled on matt surface: allegories...

121 - Ovale Schalenvase mit floraler Bordüre

Kaiserliche Glasfabrik, St. Petersburg, 1914

Estimate: 1.000 - 1.500 €
Result: 1.000,00 €
"A oval glass bowl. Imperial Glassworks St. Petersburg, 1914. Blue-amethyst-coloured glass decorated with deep cut flowers and leaves. Bottom with mark of Nicholas II with date ""1914"". Lip slightly chipped. 25.5 cm long, 13.5 cm high."

122 - Zylinderbecher aus violettem Glas

Russland, 1. H. 19. Jh.

Estimate: 120 - 180 €
Violet glass beaker. Russia, first half of the 19th century. Cylindrical body with painted blossoms and garlands in silver and gold. 8 cm high.

123 - Zylinderbecher aus blauem Glas

Russland, 1. H. 19. Jh.

Estimate: 120 - 180 €
A blue glass beaker. Russia, first half of the 19th century. The cylindrical body with painted blossoms and garlands in silver and gold. 8 cm high.

124 - Trinkglas

Russland, Anfang 19. Jh.

Estimate: 180 - 200 €
A cut-glass drinking glass. Russia, early 19th century. Gilded base and stem. Upper body with engraved foliage. Slightly chipped. 14.2 cm high.

125 - Pokal

Kaiserliche Glasmanufaktur St. Petersburg, um 1780

Estimate: 200 - 300 €
An engraved and gilt glass goblet. St. Petersburg, Imperial glass works, circa 1780. Colourless glass. Bowl with cut and gilt glove. Lip with chip. 13.5 cm high.

126 - Deckeldose auf vergoldeter Bronzemontierung

Kaiserliche Glasmanufaktur St. Petersburg, 1810-1820

Estimate: 700 - 900 €
An ormolu-mounted lidded glass tin. St. Petersburg, Imperial Glassworks, 1810-1820. Greyish cut glass. The round body with diamand cuts and engraved leaves. Ormolu-mounting with three caryatides-shaped feet. Diam. 13 cm.

127 - Becher mit Monogramm ''NA''

Kaiserliche Glasmanufaktur St. Petersburg, um 1820

Estimate: 400 - 500 €
"A St. Petersburg glass beaker with monogram ""NA"". St. Petersburg, Imperial Glass works, circa 1820. Greyish cut-glas. Frontal with engraved monogram ""NA"". 9,8 cm high."
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