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Dr. Fischer - Fine Art Auctions

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Russian Paintings

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814 - Viktor Semenowitsch Zinow

1908 Kungur - 1991

Estimate: 200 - 300 €
). Uniformed men in front of a window. Oil on cardboard. Monogrammed lower right in Cyrillic. Dated 1938. Framed. 26 x 22.5 cm Certificate in German.

815 - Alexeij Ignatewitsch Kirillow

1918 Verkhi - 1997 Moskau

Estimate: 100 - 200 €
Alekseji Ignatevich Kirillov (1918 Verkhi - 1997 Moscow). On the field. Oil on cardboard. Monogrammed lower right in Cyrillic. Dated 1959. Framed. 24 x 34 cm. Certificate in German.

816 - Konstantin Petrowitsch Frolow

1918 Iwanowo - 1997 Moscow

Estimate: 600 - 800 €
Konstantin Pertovich Frolov (1918 Ivanowo - 1997 Moscow), Oil on cardboard. Signed lower right in Cyrillic and dated '47'. Verso inscribed in Cyrillic. Framed. 32 x 53,5 cm. Certificate

817 - Vladimir Nikolajevitsch Fekljaew (Attr.)


Estimate: 200 - 300 €
). Child with a head. Oil on board. Verso inscribed in Cyrillic. Unframed. 100.5 x 70 cm.

818 - Nathalija Sergejewna Gontscharowa

1881 Ladyschno/Tula - 1962 Paris

Estimate: 4.000 - 5.000 €
). Spanish woman with a fan. Oil on canvas, restored. Signed lower right. Frame partially damaged. 70 x 50 cm. Spanierin mit Fächer. Öl auf Leinwand. Signiert unten rechts. Rahmen bestoßen. 70 x 50 cm. Scientific color study in French Paris/2009.

819 - Yuri Kalyuta

geb. 1957 Krivoi Rog/Ukraine

Estimate: 1.000 - 1.200 €
Yuli Kaliuta (1957 Krivoi Rog/Ukraine). Cleopatra. Oil on canvas. Monogrammed lower right and dated '94'. Verso inscribed in Cyrillic. Framed. 60 x 40 cm.

820 - Yuri Kalyuta

geb. 1957 Krivoi Rog/Ukraine

Estimate: 2.800 - 3.200 €
Yuli Kaliuta (1957 Krivoi Rog/Ukraine). Portrait of a young woman. Oil on canvas. Signed top left and dated '95'. Verso inscribed in Cyrillic and titled 'gypsy'. Framed. 80 x 99 cm.

821 - Yuri Kalyuta

geb. 1957 Krivoi Rog/Ukraine

Estimate: 1.800 - 2.200 €
Yuli Kaliuta (1957 Krivoi Rog/Ukraine). Tea Ceremony in New Year. Oil on canvas. Monogrammed top left and dated '91'. Verso inscribed in Cyrillic. Framed. 73 x 74 cm.

822 - Sergei Arsenjewitsch Winogradow (Attr.)

1869 Bolschije Soli - 1938 Riga/Letland

Estimate: 300 - 400 €
Sergej Arsenevich Vinogradov (1869 Bolschije Soli - 1938 Riga). View of a street cafe. Oil on cardboard. Insribed lower right in Cyrillic. Unframed. 34 x 47 cm.

823* - Igor Tcholaria

1959 Otschamtschire/Abchasien

Estimate: 2.000 - 3.000 €
Igor Tcholaria. 1959 Ochamchiry/Abchasien. Oil on canvas. Signed lower right. Verso inscribed and dated '2004'. Framed. 92 x 73 cm.
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