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Russian Glass

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624 - A bear-shaped glass beaker. Russia, 18th century/early 19th century. Olive-green...

Russland, 18. Jh./A. 19. Jh.

Estimate: 1.200 - 1.500 €
A bear-shaped glass beaker. Russia, 18th century/early 19th century. Olive-green glass. Applied ears. Snout increased with a fibre. 26 cm high.

625 - Sugar bowl with view of the Paschkow Palace. Russia, Glass factory Zombkowice, c...

Russland, Glasfabrik Zombkowice, um 1911

Estimate: 350 - 450 €
Sugar bowl with view of the Paschkow Palace. Russia, Glass factory Zombkowice, circa 1911. Moulded glass with metal mounting. Hinged lid with matted view of the Paschkow palace in Moscow. Bottom with mark of the russian treasury department and...

626 - A big, violet tinted glass goblet with cover consiting of three parts. Imperial ...

Kaiserliche Glasmanufaktur St. Petersburg, 1790 - 1810

Estimate: 1.700 - 1.900 €
A big, violet tinted glass goblet with cover consiting of three parts. Imperial glass factory St. Petersburg, 1790 - 1810. Decorated with different cutting ornaments. Glass input for cooling drinks. Top of knob slightly chipped. 50 cm high.

627 - Eight vodka beakers. St. Petersburg, Imperial Glassworks, circa 1800. Under the ...

St. Petersburg, Kaiserliche Glasmanufaktur, um 1800

Estimate: 600 - 800 €
Eight vodka beakers. St. Petersburg, Imperial Glassworks, circa 1800. Under the lip matted leaf borders and star ornaments. Stands chipped. 12.5 cm high.

628 - Goblet with tsar Nicholas II. 20th cenutry. The front with a deep cutted portrai...

20. Jh.

Estimate: 600 - 800 €
Goblet with tsar Nicholas II. 20th cenutry. The front with a deep cutted portrait of tsar Nicholas II. The double-headed eagle on the back. Stand with fused fibres. 21.3 cm high.

629 - A important glass bowl. Russia, dated 1912. Colourless cut-glass. Decorated with...

Russland, datiert 1912

Estimate: 12.000 - 20.000 €
A important glass bowl. Russia, dated 1912. Colourless cut-glass. Decorated with imperial double-headed eagles in wheel-engraving on each side surrounded by scrolling foliage. Bottom with monogram Nicholas II with date "1912" (diamond engraving)....

630 - A glass decanter with six glasses. Imperial Glass Factory, St. Petersburg, circa...

Kaiserliche Glasmanufaktur St. Petersburg, um 1790

Estimate: 700 - 900 €
A glass decanter with six glasses. Imperial Glass Factory, St. Petersburg, circa 1790. Richly decorated with gilt decoration of flowers and leaves. Two glasses and stopper slightly chipped. 30 cm (decanter), 9.8 cm (glasses).

631 - A glass decanter with stopper. Russia, Imperial Glass factory (attributed), circ...

Russland, Kaiserliche Glasmanufaktur Sankt Petersburg (zugeschrieben), um 1780

Estimate: 400 - 600 €
A glass decanter with stopper. Russia, Imperial Glass factory (attributed), circa 1780. Blue-grey tinted glass. Richly decorated with gilt decoration of zig-zag tapes and leaf borders. Gold rubbed. 25 cm high.

632 - A glass beaker. St. Petersburg, Imperial Glass Works, 1810-1820. Gilded lip. Upp...

Kaiserliche Glasmanufaktur Sankt Petersburg, 1810-1820

Estimate: 800 - 1.200 €
A glass beaker. St. Petersburg, Imperial Glass Works, 1810-1820. Gilded lip. Upper part with gilt border: medallion with architectual setting surrounded by flowers and leafs. Engraved monogram "AH" in Cyrillic below. The lower part with high cut,...

633 - Two decanters with bung. Imperial Glass Factory St. Petersburg, mid 19th century...

Kaiserliche Glasmanufaktur St. Petersburg, Mitte 19. Jh.

Estimate: 1.500 - 2.500 €
Two decanters with bung. Imperial Glass Factory St. Petersburg, mid 19th century. Colourless cut glass. Allround decorated with garlands and foliage in silver and gold. 27. 5 cm high.
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