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Dr. Fischer - Fine Art Auctions

Elbinger Straße 11
74078 Heilbronn


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Asian Art

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415 - A Srivijaya bronze figure of Padmapani. South Thailand, 18th/19th century. Recas...

Srivijaya, Süd-Thailand, 18./19. Jh.

Estimate: 300 - 350 €
A Srivijaya bronze figure of Padmapani. South Thailand, 18th/19th century. Recasting of the bronze figure in the Bangkok National Museum from 8th century. 20.5 cm high.

416 - A collection of bronze and brass figures. China, 19th century. Apple, parrot and...

u.a. China, 19. Jh.

Estimate: 100 - 150 €
A collection of bronze and brass figures. China, 19th century. Apple, parrot and bowl. Small bowl damaged. 5.5 - 12.5 cm high.

417 - A collection of six woodblock prints on Japanese paper. Southeast Asia, 20th cen...

Südostasien, 20. Jh.

Estimate: 80 - 120 €
A collection of six woodblock prints on Japanese paper. Southeast Asia, 20th century. Handling creases and some stains. 52 x 39 cm - 90 x 60 cm.

418 - A Kalaga tapestry in relief with soldiers. Burma, 20th century. With glass beads...

Burma, 20. Jh.

Estimate: 300 - 350 €
A Kalaga tapestry in relief with soldiers. Burma, 20th century. With glass beads, sequins, gold and silver threads. 46 x 77 cm.

419 - A Kalaga tapestry in relief with birds. Burma, 20th century. With glass beads, s...

Burma, 20. Jh.

Estimate: 250 - 300 €
A Kalaga tapestry in relief with birds. Burma, 20th century. With glass beads, sequins, gold and silver threads. 51 x 90 cm.

420 - A Kalaga tapestry in relief with elephant rider. Burma, 20th century. With glass...

Burma, 20. Jh.

Estimate: 200 - 250 €
A Kalaga tapestry in relief with elephant rider. Burma, 20th century. With glass beads, sequins, gold and silver threads. Framed. 49 x 49 cm.

421 - A Kalaga tapestry in relief with horse. Burma, 20th century. With glass beads, s...

Burma, 20. Jh.

Estimate: 250 - 300 €
A Kalaga tapestry in relief with horse. Burma, 20th century. With glass beads, sequins, gold and silver threads. Framed. 56.5 x 56.5 cm.

422 - A sandstone head of a buddha. Probably Khmer, 13th/14th century. In medidative e...

wohl Khmer, 13./14. Jh.

Estimate: 500 - 600 €
A sandstone head of a buddha. Probably Khmer, 13th/14th century. In medidative expression, downcast eyes and gently arching brows, the hair in curls. Wood base. Minor wear. 18.5 cm high.

423 - An iron shield. India, Lahore, 19th century. Brass decoration with flowers. Hole...

Indien, Lahore, 19. Jh.

Estimate: 300 - 400 €
An iron shield. India, Lahore, 19th century. Brass decoration with flowers. Holes. Diam. 30 cm.

424 - A bronze ceremonial necklace with bells. The Himalayas, 18th/19th century. Mount...

Himalaya-Gebiet, 18./19. Jh.

Estimate: 150 - 180 €
A bronze ceremonial necklace with bells. The Himalayas, 18th/19th century. Mounted in a framed. Appr. 70 cm long.
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