Dr. Fischer - Fine Art Auctions
Elbinger Straße 11
74078 Heilbronn
Tel.: +49 7131 15557 - 0
Fax: +49 7131 15557 - 20
Opening time
Monday till Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Frontal auf Sockel mit Blütenzweigen stehende geflügelte Putten, darüber Inschrift "SIM TVVS ESTO MEVS SERVET VTRVMQVE DEVS". Seitlich eingerolltes Rankenwerk mit Blumenvase und Blütenrosetten, rückseitig Vogel auf Prunkvase mit Blumen. Oberhalb des Standes Blattbordüre. Im Boden christliche Symbole und Umschrift "TRIVMPHAT VTRAQVE" auf Rotlackfond. Ausführung in radierter Goldfolie. H. 8 cm
Böhmen, 2. Viertel 18. Jh.
Catalogueprice: 1.000 - 1.500 €
If you are unable to attend the auction in person, we will be happy to execute written bids on your behalf. Absentee bids should be returned to us at least 24 hours before the sale. When we execute an absentee bid on your behalf, the lot will always be bought for the lowest increment that exceeds all competing bids and which meets or exceeds the reserve price. In the event of identical bids, the earliest received will take precedence. Successful absentee bidders will receive an invoice after the auction. By sending your bid you agree that you have read and understand our conditions of sale and wish to be bound by them.