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Dr. Fischer - Fine Art Auctions

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Russian & Greek Icons

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205 - The "Fire-Appearing" Mother of God (Ognevidnaya). Tempera on wood panel. The Mot...

Russland, 19. Jh.

Estimate: 2.000 - 3.000 €
Result: 2.000,00 €
The "Fire-Appearing" Mother of God (Ognevidnaya). Tempera on wood panel. The Mother of God is distinguished by her fiery-red face. She is depicted without her child with a red maphorion with pearl encrustation and gold hem. Two family saints on...

206 - The Mother of God of "Unexpected Joy". Tempera on wood panel, against a shiny go...

Vetka, 19. Jh.

Estimate: 2.000 - 2.500 €
The Mother of God of "Unexpected Joy". Tempera on wood panel, against a shiny golden background. Six patron saints on the border. Minimally restored. Vetka, 19th century. 36.3 x 30.8 cm.

207 - The Mother of God "Seeking of the Lost". Egg tempera on wood panel. Against a sh...

Vetka, 2. Hälfte 19. Jh.

Estimate: 1.700 - 2.000 €
Result: 1.600,00 €
The Mother of God "Seeking of the Lost". Egg tempera on wood panel. Against a shiny golden background. Depicted half-length, the Mother of God facing the onlooker while inclining her head towards her son. Christ shown standing in her right arm in...

208 - The Iverskaya Mother of God. Tempera on wood panel. The background made of silve...

Südrussland, 19. Jh.

Estimate: 400 - 450 €
Result: 400,00 €
The Iverskaya Mother of God. Tempera on wood panel. The background made of silver, covered by golden laquer. The vestments ornamentally punched. South Russian, 19th century. 38.5 x 31.8 cm.

209 - A large icon showing the Three-Handed Mother of God. Tempera on wood panel. The ...

Südrussland, 19. Jh.

Estimate: 750 - 800 €
A large icon showing the Three-Handed Mother of God. Tempera on wood panel. The maphorion made of silver, covered by golden laquer and ornamentally punched. The background stripped to gesso. South Russian, 19th century. 47 x 37 cm.

210 - The Smolenskaya Mother of God. Tempera on wood panel. The vestments ornamentally...

Südrussland, 19. Jh.

Estimate: 500 - 600 €
The Smolenskaya Mother of God. Tempera on wood panel. The vestments ornamentally engraved. Minimally restored. South Russian, 19th century. 30.6 x 27 cm.

211 - A monumental icon showing the Vladimirskaya Mother of God (Mother of God of Tend...

Pskow, Petschersky-Kloster, 19. Jh.

Estimate: 3.000 - 4.000 €
Result: 3.500,00 €
A monumental icon showing the Vladimirskaya Mother of God (Mother of God of Tenderness Pskov). Oil on panel. Portrayed half-length, Christ positioned in his Mother's arm. Pressing his face against his Mother's cheek. The crowned Mother of God...

212 - A double sided procession icon showing the Mother of God of the Sign and St. Nic...

Russland, Ende 19. Jh.

Estimate: 700 - 900 €
Result: 600,00 €
A double sided procession icon showing the Mother of God of the Sign and St. Nicholas of Myra. Oil on panel. Minimally restored. Russian, late 19th century. 61.3 x 52.6 cm.

213 - The Kosinskaya Mother of God. Oil on panel. The Mother of God is standing full-l...

Osteuropa, Ende 19. Jh.

Estimate: 500 - 600 €
The Kosinskaya Mother of God. Oil on panel. The Mother of God is standing full-length, her son seated against her left shoulder. Crack, worn. Eastern Europe, late 19th century. 30.8 x 26 cm.

214 - The Pokrov Mother of God (The Protecting Veil of the Mother of God). Tempera on ...

Russland, um 1900

Estimate: 200 - 300 €
Result: 330,00 €
The Pokrov Mother of God (The Protecting Veil of the Mother of God). Tempera on wood panel. The upper part showing the Mother of God holding the veil kneeling in front of the enthroned Christ. In the lower register appears St. Romanos singing a...
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